Thursday, August 26, 2010

I failed...

Well... not technically, but it was close. We've continually been told to be prepared to fail here, but I just kept brushing it off. Of course I would do well- I got here didn't I? Turns out it's not that simple. I learned that I'm in for a world of trouble if I don't change my study habits. Or form some study habits. Or just study, actually, that would be a good place to start. I'm not upset about getting a bad grade... I'm upset by the fact that I knew I could do better and just didn't bother to try at the end. I gave up.

I hate to quote something like the band Taking Back Sunday, but I keep thinking of these lyrics- "So so so sick of being tired, and oh so tired of being sick" in their very upbeat sing-song style. No matter how run down I feel, I get up in the morning and go. Those of you who know me (and those of you who have just met me and have quickly figured this out...) will know that I LOVE sleeping. I'm usually quite good at it. Lately, however, I've been surviving on a mere 6 hours a night (gasp!) and it's killing me. I've turned into Super Bitch, and that doesn't sit very well with me (or my classmates). That said, I still can't find enough time in the day to get all the studying done.

Someone used an analogy of juggling during orientation... (I think... that was light-years ago...) We were told that our careers, hobbies, education, etc were balls made of rubber, but things like family and health were made of glass. I don't like this analogy because it's too... well... I'm not really sure. I just know that the image of my friends and health smashing into millions of pieces kind of freaks me out. I keep thinking of the fight scene in Eclipse. Yes, that Twilight movie. Don't hate, I loved it and I'm not ashamed!

So, what did I learn by taking and (almost) failing this test?
1. The real reason why high fructose corn syrup is bad for you (despite what the creepy corn association ads are saying these days)

2. I love sleep, but I don't need it... much

3. I can do better

4. Second breakfast makes me happy

(That last one I figured out weeks ago, but it still makes me happy so I thought I'd throw it in here!)


  1. The beginning of grad school is hard, 'cause it's all of the people who've gotten good grades before. Tough it out - you can do it :)

  2. "Better" can be such a demanding word. It can also be downright evil. Sure, there are instances where it is motivational though.

    Make sure you don't think negatively of yourself and tell yourself that you didn't do enough and that you could have been "better." Maybe that was what you could do at that time. It doesn't mean it was bad or anything, just something to accept and learn from.

    (Tangent - sorry!)
