Monday, August 8, 2011

I Miss Me, too...

The good news is that I hadn't been updating because I was having too much fun this summer. The bad news is, summer is over and I'm reluctant to admit school is back in full swing. To deepen my denial, I'll blog while I should be paying attention in class!

I went to a lot of fun places and did a lot of fun stuff this summer:
Indianapolis (less fun, more functional... the locals are incredibly friendly!) for a Cranial Course.
Cape Cod/Boston/NH for vacation, beach time, family, a wedding (congrats, Katie!), and shenanigans.
Portland for farms, family, a wedding (congrats Sian!), and fresh air.

I also spent a lot of time exploring my new neighborhood (is it still new?) and making sure my couch was comfortable for the new school year by watching tons of TV- helloooo Don Draper!

I'm trying sincerely to get back into the swing of things, I was definitely not ready to start the semester. It's not the studying that worries me... I'm not sure if I can let go of myself the way I did last semester. I know a lot of you noticed I was different whenever I was home, and that was harder to accept than anything I had to learn in school. Before I got to California people kept saying that this would change me; that it would be harder than anything I'd done before. It's not that I didn't believe them, I just figured that whatever it was, I could handle it. And I am handling it... sort of... but this year I'll be doing things differently. What I learned is that no matter how much more I need to study, volunteer, go to group meetings, fit in, and "change the world," I can't do any of those things without Me.

Wish me luck.

<3 <3 B

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Summer Reading List...

Vacation is going swimmingly, so far :)

I finished the year with two B's and an A... far better than I could have predicted. I needed a while to unwind and have been feeling more like myself lately, which is nice. My ToDo list is (thankfully) quite short this summer, so I've decided to catch up on a bit of reading:

-The final 2 of the series, I've already blown through the first 5. I started a bit before the semester was over (I couldn't help it, I thought my brain would explode otherwise!) and will finish before the final movie is out July 15th. This is probably my 4th time through the whole series (individually I've probably read these two 7 or 8 times...) and they are still some of my favorite books. I'm super excited to see the last movie!

-Before moving to California, I decided to read some of the classics. This is one of the half dozen purchased during that time, but I didn't get to it before the semester started in August last year. I'm 40 pages in and already like it more than Jane Eyre and Pride and Prejudice... we'll see if it tops Dracula (doubtful).

-Jenn Lancaster's first book. I've read her others and loved them! She's a self-proclaimed overweight ex-sorority girl living in the Chicago suburbs. Doesn't sound like something I'd dig- but her sarcastic sense of humor touches a chord. Highly recommend Bright Lights, Big Ass. A beach read, for sure. website:

-Chapters 1-9. I've got to keep my brain active somehow. In addition to this I intend to purchase and peruse a neuro text, commit to memory every drug we've learned so far, and review blood disorders. Thrilling!

-The fourth in a 7 book series by Diana Gabaldon. Outlander, the opener, classified as historical fiction (though I'm pretty sure it fits as "steamy romance" as well...), follows an accidental time-traveled woman through 18th century Scotland. These books are addicting!

-I started with The Hobbit. I didn't think I would like it as much as I did and am excited to read more. I expect Fellowship to drag on in ways similar to Hobbit, but that doesn't discourage me. I also promised people that I would watch the movies only after reading the books... (I guess I can't avoid them forever!)

-A book from the summer book club of Medical Students for Choice. I'm interested to get the opinions and facts, though it's proved a bit of dry reading so far. Maybe I won't take this one to the beach- I'm not interested in sparking any heated debates this vacation.

-Recommended by one of my professors. When I first heard the title I was worried I'd be reading far more about vaginas than I wanted to this summer... but the synopsis on the the sleeve claims it's about Aboriginal Australia. We'll see what the message brings, but I'm now suspicious it's about finding strength through tough times.

A lengthy, if ambitious list. Don't underestimate my ability to leisurely pass days with only a good book, a blanket, sunscreen, and iced lattes!
(That said, I've also been working out a bit- trying to get a good habit down before the next semester starts. I feel like my body aged 10 years during school and hopefully yoga and running will reverse that... Wish me luck and motivation!)

I hope you're all enjoying the summer!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

This Summer...

What are your summer plans?

This summer I can't wait to:

Read all 7 Harry Potter books before the last movie comes out
Practice Yoga 3 days a week
Lose 10lbs
Go home
Go camping
Go shopping
Crochet a hat for Courtenay
Find better coffee shops
Take a cranial course
Hike every trail in Tilden Park
Visit Shaedra & Marguerite
Paint the bathroom
Watch sunsets
Go out on weeknights
Volunteer at 100 concerts with Rock Med
Collect armadillos
Explore San Francisco
Be Becka.

<3 <3 B

Friday, April 22, 2011

I miss Boston...

Given that I haven't posted in quite some time, it should come as no shock that I've been super busy lately. Mostly all that I've been up to is studying. It's not that I haven't been doing fun things, it's just that by the time I get around to blogging about them they're so far in the past that it seems irrelevant to tell you all. I also seem to have short term memory loss regarding non-school. I know I've done things... I just can't quite recall WHAT things...
Since my last post I've traveled to Vegas (twice), Colorado Springs, and Boston. I've failed a test, scored my highest on a test, and figured out I'm actually quite good at some things in school. I've been to a wedding, learned of engagements, met a newborn baby, and lost a distant family member. Life is happening right before my eyes, and all I want to do is slow it down and live it. Instead I get mini updates in between study sessions.
I keep saying that I'm either a med-student, or I'm having a life- I still can't figure out how to do both at the same time. I feel like I'm missing out on so much. Maybe I am, maybe it's not all as exciting as my jealous mind makes it out to be, but either way it makes me really sad sometimes. I'm not complaining- I worked really hard to get here and am living my dream... but...

Please don't stop the mini updates. I can't explain how much they mean to me- even if I don't respond to your email or "like" your FB posts! I miss my friends and family very much and the small amount of time I get to spend with them is amazing. I miss Boston.

Keep me updated!

ps. I still don't miss snow.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I'm effing cranky. All the time. There's your update -_-

I would probably be less cranky if my stupid back didn't hurt so much every day. Yes, I'm whining.

I wish I had fun things to tell you... but I've just been studying since getting back from Winter break. We're currently learning respiratory physiology (not nearly as thrilling as it sounds...) and will be moving on to renal function shortly. It's all a bit dry while we push through the basics, but next block we will be studying the heart, lungs, & kidneys clinically, so I'm hoping that will be interesting.

Today in doctoring lab we met some pediatric "patients" (they're not sick, just helping us learn). It was really cute to see some of my classmates interacting with them- The kids were good sports, too, which was fun. My team worked with two 9 year olds and a 14 month old- the 9 year olds were scared at first, then kind of too cool, which I found incredibly entertaining! They didn't want to get caught smiling- but they SO did!! They reminded me of Devin & Adidas... (<3). The baby was terrified and wouldn't let anyone come near him- it was too cute! By the end of lab, though, he started exploring a bit and was playing with my stethoscope... we were buddies!

Also- (ok, maybe I am having SOME fun...) for those of you who hadn't heard- I'm on the hip hop dance team (no jokes, please, you love my moves). We recently found out we're going to Vegas in Feb to compete against the TU Nevada dance team :D There's a video on FB of our "show." I've never been to Vegas (surprising what with all the drinking, gambling, and stripping I do...) so this should be interesting...

Both photos property of Jason Duong


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Becka Baggins...

"Going on from there was the bravest thing he ever did. The tremendous things that happened afterward were as nothing compared to it."

This is from The Hobbit (if you can't beat 'em, join 'em) which I've been reading lately. It struck me like a freight train, so I'm sharing it with you. I actually almost cried when I read it. Twice. Sometimes I feel a bit like a hobbit; small, scared & forever starving (hairy feet withstanding).  That's all...

<3 <3 <3
ps. Back at school!