Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A grateful heart...

Thanksgiving is a day when people try to think of what they are thankful for so I thought I might share some things from my life that I appreciate. I know- I'm late. But holiday season always makes me feel (extra) grateful, so I feel like I'm right on time with this, since I technically have another month of holiday! I'm excited to go back East and visit friends and family soon but, in the meantime, thinking of this list will be the push I need to get through the next 3 weeks.

Today I'm grateful for:
1. Perspective
2. Armadillos
3. Adventures
4. Breakfast
5. Hot tea
6. Multi color pens
7. Tim
8. My California license plates
9. Singing in the car. Extra loud.
10. New friends
11. The couch- it's that amazing.
12. Seeing some family over Thanksgiving weekend
13. Being in medical school
14. My health
15. Healthy grieving
16. Sleeping
17. Magic slippers
18. Humor
19. Love
20. A good book (or 7...)
21. Sunsets
22. New places
23. Dancing
24. Christmas music

I try to write one of these whenever a fresh first world problem disrupts my serenity... it's comforting to see how things have changed and know that more growth is possible.
Happy Thanksgiving! <3

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Holy crap, I survived!!

Might seem a bit melodramatic to you, but jeez louise have I been pushed these past few weeks. I was feeling all sorts of crazy and it was hard to put my finger on the one thing that was making me feel that way. Well... maybe not SO hard. I made a decision recently (with the help of my wonderful man candy) to not pursue something that may or may not have gone very badly... or not... if I seem vague, it's on purpose. Basically there's a crazy bitch doing crazy things and I'd rather not get into it online (though if you've been within a 10 foot radius of me lately you've probably heard some amazing stories).

What I realized (again- thanks man candy) is that my emotional well being is worth WAY MORE than anything that could have come from the situation had I taken it any further. I've already got a full plate with school and processing recent losses, not to mention the constant stimulation of being in a new place. I love my life, and I (finally) love myself- and usually I don't let other people hold power over those things. I'm not sure how I let this situation go on for so long, but it's over now.

Also, I got a B on my most recent test! Yay me! It's nice to finally feel like the hard work is paying off. I think I'm settling in here and (with the help of our fabulous new couch) it's starting to feel like home... even if it still doesn't feel like November.

Seriously, it's sunny and 65 every day- it's amazing! <3